Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Google Glass

Google Glass means a lot of different things to many people. For some, the futuristic-looking headwear is the unavoidable next step for personal computing; a look into how technology will someday seamlessly integrate into our daily lives. And for others, Google Glass may appear like a concept without practical application, another idea like the Segway. Sure, wearing a computer on your face sounds cool, but who wants to wear it in public?

No matter which side of the issue you hold as truth, there's no denying Google Glass has the chance to change the way the world thinks about communication. But what exactly is Google Glass? What do we know so far, and where might that aluminum strip and nose-bridge take us?

What's Inside Google Glass?

Essentially, Glass' main priority is to move the interactions we've grown accustom to with our smartphones and tablets to the hands-free convenience of a pair of glasses. An Android-powered head-mounted display resides just above the right eye, producing a small heads-up display image with information like travel directions and video messaging, all accessible by Siri-like voice commands. A 720p camera is embedded in the front of the device, allowing the wearer to take pictures or perhaps even stream live video.

As noted by The Verge, the plastic components of Google Glass will debut in five colors: gray, orange, black, white, and light blue. An “Explorer” edition of Glass will snap on to a pair of sunglasses, and there is talk of deals with prescription spectacle sellers Warby Parker to produce a Glass model for those of us with weaker vision. The device links up with built-in WiFi, and can tether via Android or iPhone.

Why Do We Need Google Glass?

Like any piece of new tech, the usefulness of Glass will probably vary from person to person. Primarily, Glass is a way to communicate hands-free, to keep in touch with our loved-ones and friends without the need to hold onto a smartphone. But the device is also a way to share experiences. A recent demo video from Google attempts to show “how it feels” to use Glass, and the implications of streaming a truly first-person perspective video out into the world are massive. Imagine experiencing a trip to a far-off land through the viewpoint of a buddy, or medical students observing a delicate surgery from their own homes.

Granted, all of this also requires your acceptance of looking a little weird. Not everyone is going to feel comfortable walking around town, resembling an extra from a crappy sci-fi film to passersby. Currently, it's hard to determine if Google Glass will avoid becoming the next Bluetooth headset. Handy, yes, but also incredibly goofy.

When Can We Buy One...and How Much is It?

As of right now, Google is planning to release a consumer version of Glass by the end of 2013. The company has already started handing out developer models for $1,500, but there are indications the public launch could bring a more reasonable price-tag. And the price will make a huge difference: people will be more likely to strap a computer to their head if buying one doesn't require a small loan.

But if you just can't wait to try out Glass for yourself, Google is currently accepting public applications to test the device on Google+. Just write a post about what you would do with the device, using the #ifihadglass hashtag (but get moving, there's only a day left).

How will Google Glass Change the Future?

Maybe Glass will mean the next step towards a future where wearable computing is the norm. Or maybe, it will take years before such devices grow into common usage. Regardless, Glass has the potential to completely alter the computing and mobile industries. After all, it wasn't too many years ago when a touch-screen phone seemed crazy, or the Kindle's e-ink seemed impossible, or self-driving cars were the stuff of fantasy. OK, the last one is still in the works at Google.

But the point is, we don't yet know how Google Glass or a potential sea of imitations from other tech giants may force us to rethink how we interact with the world. The future is an exciting place, even if we all look like Geordie LaForge.

Matt Clark is a freelance writer covering the world of videogames, tech, and popular culture. Follow him on Twitter @ClarkMatt and MyIGN at Matt_Clark.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com


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